Thursday, March 28, 2013

Series Plans 2013 *IMPORTANT*

Hey everyone! Long time no see! :)
It’s me, Katelyn and I have some good news and some bad news. Shall we start with the good news first?
Our channel has sky rocketed in the past two months! We have gotten over 70 subs and more than 1,000 video views. Some people may think that is nothing, but Marissa and I are just happy to have views and be adored by so many people!
When we get to 100 subscribers we will have a special treat for all of you, but for now we are just going to keep doing what we are doing, because we believe you guys like that. :)
The good news is that we have a series planned for summer! It is called "Superstars", and we think you guys will really enjoy it!
We were actually planning to do "Superstars" last summer, but stopped because we didn't feel like it was really worth doing it since we could only show our family, but now that we have this account, we really are excited to do it this summer.
So now you are probably wondering what "Superstars" is about. Well I'm planning to do a whole blog post about that when it gets closer to summer, so all of you children will find out soon enough. :)
Anyway, that was the good news. Basically, we know we will be doing a series this summer.....end of story.
But as you guys know we have wanted to do a series called "The Family Tree" for about two months now but were not sure we want to do it anymore.
Problem is that we don't want to let any of you guys down! So, if you guys want it, we will do it....if not....well we won't!
We posted a sneak peak on our channel, which is the intro. We decided to change it and make it shorter and better if we really do decide to do this series, but you can watch this video on our channel at this link.
OK, so for you guys to decide if you want this or not, I'm going to tell you the storyline of the series. Now, hang in there because I love to write, so I'm no quite sure how long this might be.....
But, here goes nothing.....
Bridget Landcaster (Felicity) is an average 13 year old girl. She enjoys reading and writing and loves "The Hunger Games" (I think we can all guess who came up with that Rissa!). She lives with her mom, Emily Landcaster (Kit) and her dog coconut, who she loves very much. Even though she has a small family, that is kind of broken, she loves it every last bit.
At school she has many friends but, only two close ones that she trusts very much, Maria and Mackenzie Martin (Madison and Erin). They are identical twins that are fun, but fight with each other a lot!
As always though, we have our school bullies. In this case, we have to deal with Stacy Ellsworth (Marie-Grace), who is very bratty and mean. Along with her we end up dealing with Isabelle Tanner (Nicole) who is a new girl that Stacy brainwashes.
Now, here is where the story really starts.... :)
In Social Studies class Bridget's teacher (Samantha) assigns a big project due at the end of the year, (which is rapidly approaching) about your family's history. You will need to conduct research and be prepared to present your information with the class. This project will be called "The Family Tree".
Since Bridget is a good student she starts working on the project as soon as she gets home. She logs onto her iPad and goes to a website her teacher recommended. But, when she searches "Landcaster” in the search bar, she is left with results that can lead to only one thing...her family never existed.
Bridget is very confused; she doesn’t know what to do, so she asks her mom. But, her mom says she doesn’t know what is wrong.
In "The Family Tree" lots of things go wrong, and some things aren't right. Will a curious girl spoil an important plan? When dealing with the CIA, things can get messy, and truths come out. But, when they do.....will they scar her forever?
Well, that is that! Yaya! That is not as long as I thought it would be! Anyway, just comment on our channel or down below what you you want this series, or do you just want Superstars this summer?
Well, have a nice day! (Don't forget to subscribe to our blog, and have a Happy Easter!)
~Katelyn <3


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW! I totally think you should do Family Tree, you got me hooked! Also, who's Steve? Anyway, I love your guy's personalities and so I think we should like, talk and stuff. Because I really need some new Ideas for a new video. so either comment at agclarity.blogspot,com or email me at

    1. Oh thats so awesome! I'd love to help you! Steve is a boy doll that Marissa made. He's really cool. thanks so much for your feedback too! I was afraid no one would give us any! I'll email you, but our email is We have lots of ideas for new videos and we love to give a few to you! I can't wait to talk to you some more and get to know you!

      ~Katelyn <3
