Friday, September 27, 2013

Long Time No See and Fall Updates

 Hey, y'all! It's Marissa!!!! I'm so, so, so, so, sorry about no posts in a while from me. I know you've heard the old school's hectic excuse from my less amazing cousin Katelyn, but I have three good reasons for not posting. One is school. Two is soccer. Three is my laptop and my camera not working together to make lovely videos that are way better than Katelyn's.

 So, enough excuses let's get down to business. As some of you may have noticed, I only posted one episode of The Chronicles of Gateway Street. Well, I've been thinking (highly dangerous activity. I don't suggest it) that I will finish next summer.

 In happier news , I am doing a fall movie called I Wish. It's about a pop star who wishes she was normal. One day, that wish comes true. I'll try to finish ASAP. 

 That's all I wanted to tell you!!!!!!! See ya later, alligators!!!!

The better half of AG cousins studios,
