Friday, June 28, 2013

July Plans and Video Making! ❤

Hey everyone, Katelyn here! Now who's ready for another long blog post because I love to write?


Oh okay great! :) I love your shirt by the way. :p

So summer is HERE! I have been longing for summer for a long time now and I think everyone is in need of a little summer vacation, I think even my teachers wanted it!

I just finished 7th grade and Marissa just finished 6th....were getting so old aren't we? :p

Anyway, were really excited for this summer because we have lot of exciting things planned! For one thing we are going to finish our AG Hunger Games this summer and actually I'm going out to my vacation house tomorrow and I'm going to see Marissa there! So, hopefully that can be finished and posted in the next couple weeks. :)

As for my plans this summer, I am making my own series called Busted and I posted the intro on our channel for a sneak peek. (If you haven't seen it you can click the link below)

Anyway, I don't want to spoil the series for you so my lips are sealed!

As for Marissa's plans she is making a series called The Chronicles of Gateway Street and it is about friendship....and that all I will say about that too!

If you are wondering why Marissa hasn't been posting you can read her blog post about it! And if you haven't read that post just scroll down a lil bit:)

Anyway so that is what is going on this summer we will also be putting up fun little AGSM's and stuff like that here and there, but this mostly covers the big stuff :D

But, I go to camp on the 7th and stay there until the 12th. And then Marissa goes to camp on the 14th and stays there until the there may be a window of no videos....but JUST HANG IN THERE, WE WILL TRY!

Anyway.....thanks for reading my post which actually wasn't as long as usual....huh figures.

Well I need to go sit by a fan or jump in a pool or something....I might die if I don't haha:)

Have a grrreeatt dayy!

~Katelyn <3

PS There are lots of updates still that you probably want to know about! So, go watch my update video on our channel!


Also, make sure to comment and subscribe to our blog if you would like, Thanks guys!


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Stuff!!!

     Hey guys it's Marissa! So I know all of you have been wondering why I haven't posted in a while, even though I have a new laptop. Well my laptop is being weird and I can't import anything to it to edit. Katelyn and I are getting together in about a week, so I can edit on her computer. I have a Molly review recorded and a Felicity Files ready. I'm also working on a new series called The Chronicles of Gateway Street. The Hunger Games is underway and Katelyn and I will continue to work on it. We have decided that Erin is Katniss. Katelyn is also doing a new movie called Busted.
